Welcome to SellerInfo, an ad service that brings together manufacturers, customers and buyers.

Terms of use of CellerInfo

Welcome to SellerInfo, an ad service that brings together manufacturers, customers and buyers.
SellerInfo Terms of Use ("Terms") regulate the relationship between IP "Ayvazyan Artem Arturovich" ("Company", "we") and Internet users who have accessed CellerInfo ("users", "you").
You may use CellerInfo in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and the Data Processing Policy. If you do not agree with them, you need to stop using CellerInfo.

1. What is CellerInfo
SellerInfo is an Internet site available at sellerinfo.ru (including all levels of the domain) through the full and mobile versions and the mobile application, which is a collection of the Company's intellectual property objects and information (administrative and user content) contained in the information system ("CellerInfo").
SellerInfo is an electronic catalog of ads for goods, services, vacancies, resumes and other offers (collectively, "products") that users can offer and search on SellerInfo in order to conclude deals.
The company provides authorized users with the technical ability to post information on CellerInfo in the format of ads in the presented product categories. The Company provides all users (regardless of authorization) with the technical ability to search and view ads on CellerInfo for the purposes stipulated by the Terms. Automatic SellerInfo algorithms process queries to provide relevant information in search results.
The Company is not a participant, organizer of the transaction, buyer, seller, employer, intermediary, agent, representative of any user, beneficiary or other interested person in relation to transactions between users. Users use the information posted on CellerInfo to enter into transactions at their own risk without direct or indirect participation or control by the Company.

2. Registration on SellerInfo
You can register on SellerInfo using your mobile phone number or through your social network profile provided in the SellerInfo login form. After registration, we will create your unique profile. There can only be one profile linked to an email or one phone number on CellerInfo at a time.
You will not be able to use for new registration the email or phone number that was specified in the deleted or blocked profile for up to 90 days after its deletion or blocking.
If you register for CellerInfo via a social network, certain functions will be limited for you. To access all the features of the service, we may ask you to provide a phone number, email address, or pass verification through the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA).
By registering on SellerInfo and every time you log on to SellerInfo, you guarantee that you have all the powers necessary to conclude and fulfill the Conditions.

3. Login to CellerInfo
You can log in to your SellerInfo profile (log in) either using the mobile phone number/email address specified in your profile, or using the social network associated with your profile ("login details"). In the first case, you need to enter a password, in the second — pre-log in to the corresponding social network.
You are required to maintain the confidentiality of your data to log in to CellerInfo. If you have reason to believe that someone has gained unauthorized access to them, please let us know immediately. All actions performed on CellerInfo by a person authorized using your login data will be considered as committed by you. You will be responsible for such actions.

4. User Information
The information that you provide to the Company about yourself must be reliable, up-to-date and must not violate the law and the rights of third parties. You are obliged to update them in your SellerInfo profile as necessary. We may request data from you to confirm your credentials or verify your trustworthiness if signs of violation of the rules or unfair behavior are detected. If you do not provide them, we will have the right to restrict access to your profile.
We cannot guarantee that all the information that users indicate on CellerInfo is true. Be careful when making transactions.
In some cases, we may ask you to undergo a security check or provide you with the opportunity to do so on your own initiative.
Verification of trustworthiness is necessary to fulfill the contract with you to provide you with the opportunity to use the free functionality of CellerInfo and ensure the safety of CellerInfo users, as we strive to provide a service within which it will be easier for users to trust each other and conclude transactions.
The information provided by the user for the purpose of reliability verification may include a passport, a driver's license, a video image of the user's face from several angles without recording voice or other sounds.
The user's provision of information is intended to confirm the following facts: 1) the user profile was created by a real person for the legitimate use of CellerInfo, and was not registered using automatic means or previously belonged to another user, but was hacked in order to commit illegal actions; 2) the user is ready to provide additional information about himself, since he does not intend to commit illegal actions (deception of other users, illegal collection of contact data) and does not seek to avoid responsibility for them.
A video image of the user's face can be requested in order to confirm the fact that the profile belongs to a real person, and is not automatically registered, as well as to verify that the user does not use other people's documents during the security check
The obligations of SellerInfo to provide the opportunity to use the free functionality of SellerInfo are counter to the user's obligation to pass a security check in the event of threats to the security of SellerInfo users.
By submitting a passport, and (or) a driver's license, and (or) a video image of a person for the purpose of passing the check, you agree to the processing of your personal data on our behalf of the company. Within the framework of CellerInfo, there may be various types of security checks, the user may be asked to pass one or more options for security checks.
Users may also be given the opportunity to pass verification using the Tinkoff ID service (JSC Tinkoff Bank, OGRN 1027739642281).
Users who are self-employed citizens may additionally be given the opportunity to confirm self-employment using a Tinkoff ID.
The fact that the user has successfully passed the reliability check, including confirmation of self-employment, does not mean a guarantee of the reliability and relevance of the information specified by the user in the ads and in the profile, recommendations to other users to make transactions with him and does not impose additional responsibilities on such users. Information about the fact of successful verification can be used to get marks on ads that increase confidence in the profile (for example, the icon "Documents checked", "Self-employed" and others). Such information is for reference purposes.
In case of failure to pass the security check, certain functions on CellerInfo may not be available to you, or access to your profile may be restricted.
You can pass a security check only in one profile on CellerInfo. The security check is only available for adult users.
We do not disclose to third parties information about users that is not publicly available, except in cases provided for by law (for example, at the request of some government agencies). At the same time, we cannot be held responsible for third-party illegal actions in relation to information that you have independently posted in the public domain on CellerInfo.
By registering on SellerInfo and every time you log on to SellerInfo, you give your consent:

1) To process information about you as a subscriber and about the communication services provided to you (including phone number, information about the subscriber device, other information about services under the contract for the provision of communication services, etc.) and transfer to our address the results of such processing;
2) The Company to transfer your phone number to our partners to confirm your trustworthiness as a SellerInfo user.
Partners will not give the Company information about you that constitutes a secret of communication.
Confirmation of your trustworthiness is necessary so that the Company can provide you with the technical opportunity to create a profile on CellerInfo and post any information to protect the interests of other users, as well as to prevent and suppress violations of the law, the Terms of Use of CellerInfo and the service agreement.
We analyze how you use CellerInfo to make CellerInfo better and help you measure the effectiveness of our services.

5. User-generated content
User content — text, images and videos that CellerInfo users post in ads, the public part of the profile and reviews. By leaving reviews on sellers, as well as responses to reviews, you express your subjective opinion and evaluate your communication or transaction with another user.
The company does not act as a distributor of user content. You are the owner of all the information that you post on CellerInfo. You independently create, modify, place in open access for an unlimited number of persons and delete content (including personal data) without our participation or consent.
If you publish your personal data as part of your public profile or ads so that users can contact you or get the most complete information about your offer, you independently disclose them to an indefinite circle of people. The Company processes your personal data in order to fulfill the contract with you – the Terms of Use of CellerInfo.
If you post personal data of third parties on CellerInfo or otherwise transfer them to the Company, you guarantee to us that all applicable requirements of the legislation on personal data are met, including, but not limited to, in terms of ensuring the security of storing this data, the necessary consent of the subjects for such placement, transfer or access.
You must independently ensure that the user content fully complies with the legislation, the Terms of Use of CellerInfo, the rules for placing ads, the requirements for the profile and reviews. You guarantee that your content does not violate the rights of third parties to the results of intellectual activity.
SellerInfo does not pre-check user content. We take actions with respect to the content on the basis of requests from authorized persons in accordance with the procedure established by law.
The purpose for which users post information on SellerInfo is to establish contact with a potential buyer who is interested in concluding a deal regarding the product in the ad. The placement of user content is allowed solely for informational purposes.
It is forbidden to post deliberately false information in reviews, leave any reviews to sellers on CellerInfo, if you are not interested in concluding a deal on an ad, it is also unacceptable to "cheat" reviews, including leaving reviews for a fee that contribute to improving the seller's rating. The collection, copying, use and any other actions with respect to user content for purposes not provided for in the Terms are prohibited. You cannot use users' phone numbers for purposes not directly related to the purchase of goods from the user.
You grant the Company the right to use your content and the intellectual property objects included in it under the terms of a non-exclusive license: indefinitely, without remuneration, in any way, for worldwide use, both with and without specifying the author's name. We may use your content to fulfill the Terms, improve the SellerInfo, for advertising and educational purposes, in commercial and non-commercial projects. We also have the right to grant rights to such content to partners. We have the right to keep archived copies of user content and not to withdraw from circulation the materials that contain it.
By placing user content in ads on CellerInfo, you also place it on partner sites, the administrator of which is the Company. This way more people will be able to see your ads, which means that the manufacturer or customer will be found faster.

6. Communication of users on CellerInfo
Authorized users can write messages and call through the CellerInfo mobile app to discuss products and terms of the transaction. It is prohibited to use messages and calls for any other purposes, including to transfer communication between users to other messengers or other communication channels by sending links to other sites, resources and services on the Internet.
In some types of ads, as well as in a professional profile, we allow you to protect your valid phone number by showing instead a unique CellerInfo phone number ("protected number"), incoming calls to which are automatically redirected to your real number, as well as make audio calls inside the CellerInfo mobile application. We have the right to determine the call forwarding settings, including the maximum number of calls to a protected number for a certain period from certain groups of users, to prevent incoming calls from being forwarded if we have reason to believe that they are committed in violation of these Terms and Conditions and the Rules of CellerInfo. The costs associated with connecting a secure number are borne by us. For private users, the use of a secure number is enabled automatically and cannot be disabled (except for the "Resume" category). This is done in order to protect private users from persons collecting contacts for unfair purposes, as well as in order to protect individuals from spam and irrelevant calls on issues unrelated to ads posted on CellerInfo.
We have the right to record, analyze and store messages and calls made through the CellerInfo mobile application and to secure numbers. Messages and calls in the app and to secure numbers are not personal. We have the right to selectively review correspondence and listen to call recordings in order to ensure compliance with the Terms of Use of CellerInfo and make CellerInfo better.
Additional information:

7. CellerInfo communication with users
We can direct you:
system notifications that cannot be unsubscribed from: for example, to confirm registration, to inform about restricted access to a profile or ads;
service alerts related to your actions on CellerInfo: for example, about receiving a message from another user, personal collections of interesting ads;
marketing and informational notifications: tips from SellerInfo, invitations to participate in research, promotions and news of the Company, SellerInfo and our partners.
We can send you messages in the notification center in your profile, to the email address or phone number specified in your profile, to your device in the form of push notifications, as well as in messages on CellerInfo. In some cases, we may also contact you by phone (for example, to receive feedback and improve services).
You can manage service alerts, informational and marketing notifications in your profile settings. The settings may vary depending on the device.

8. Deleting a profile
You have the right to delete your SellerInfo profile at any time by contacting customer support. Your profile will be deleted upon termination of the contract on the terms of the offer, if you signed it. We will delete your SellerInfo profile if you never use it for three years.

9. Protection of intellectual property rights
Exclusive rights to computer programs necessary for the use of CellerInfo, databases, graphic design of the interface (design) and other elements of the CellerInfo website, brand name, trademarks/logos and other distinctive signs of the Company, including those used as part of the domain name sellerinfo.ru , belong to The company.
The verbal designation ”SellerInfo“ and ”SellerInfo" is protected as a trademark that belongs to the rightholder company and is used by the Company on the basis of a license agreement with the rightholder.
The Company owns the rights to registered and unregistered databases, including, but not limited to: the SellerInfo ad database ("databases"). The databases include both ads that are publicly available on CellerInfo, and ads that are not available to users for viewing at some point. As a database manufacturer, the Company incurs significant financial, material, organizational and other costs for their creation.
We have the right to automatically apply CellerInfo logos/watermarks to the photos you upload in order to protect the materials in our databases from unauthorized copying.

10. License to use databases and programs
We grant users a non-exclusive license to use databases and computer programs necessary for the use of CellerInfo for the purposes provided for in the Terms. There is no fee for the license.
The license is granted from the moment you access CellerInfo and continues to be valid as long as you use CellerInfo. The search and viewing of ads is available to all users regardless of registration and authorization. In order to get access to other functionality of CellerInfo, you need to log in.
Without the consent of the Company, it is prohibited to use technical means to interact with the service, bypassing the usual procedure for using databases and computer programs. In particular, it is prohibited to use automated scripts to collect information on CellerInfo, as well as for automatic registration of profiles.
Without the consent of the Company, it is prohibited to use databases and computer programs for purposes not provided for in the Terms. This means that it is prohibited to extract materials from databases and/or carry out their subsequent use in any form and in any way, regardless of their volume and coordination with third parties, unless this is directly related to the conclusion of a transaction with respect to the goods in the ad. For example, it is prohibited to use materials from CellerInfo databases to fill third-party databases. It is also prohibited to use phone numbers from the CellerInfo databases to call CellerInfo users with offers of services or goods. Such actions violate not only the exclusive right of the Company, but also the intellectual rights of users, and also constitute the processing of personal data of CellerInfo users without their consent.

11. User Responsibilities
By using CellerInfo and interacting with the Company, you undertake to:
strictly comply with all legal requirements;
comply with the Terms of Use of CellerInfo, ad placement rules, profile and feedback requirements and other CellerInfo rules and Company instructions;
do not call SellerInfo users if you are not a potential buyer and are not interested in concluding a deal on an ad, do not send spam to users;
do not copy information on CellerInfo using automatic means, including user content;
do not use obscene language, images and statements that provoke cruelty, hatred or disrespectful attitude, contain threats or insults, justify illegal actions, do not comply with moral norms or business practices;
do not use SellerInfo or the information posted on SellerInfo for purposes not provided for in the Terms;
do not download or use malware on CellerInfo;
do not take actions that may interfere with the normal operation of CellerInfo.

12. Violations and consequences
We strive to make CellerInfo a convenient and secure tool, therefore we reserve the right to conduct a random check of users' compliance with the Terms of Use of CellerInfo at any time and at our discretion. To do this, we can use automated methods.
We have the right to take measures in case of violations, or actions to prepare for violations of the law, the rights of third parties or the Terms and Conditions of CellerInfo, including abuse of CellerInfo services, using your profile or your technical means: restrict access to your profile or some CellerInfo functionality, for example, restrict access to the CellerInfo messenger, restrict the output of your content in search results, hide the display of ads on the map, reject or block your content, restrict access to CellerInfo from certain IP addresses and phone numbers.
We may restrict access to the profile in the event of receiving complaints from other users regarding such a profile, sending spam, repeated or malicious violations of the Terms of Use and the Rules of CellerInfo (including placing ads and specifying prices that do not correspond to reality), hacking the profile, failure by the user to provide documents or information at our request, posting false reviews, eliminating the user – a legal entity, as well as if we notice signs of fraud in the user's behavior on CellerInfo, the imposition of additional services and conditions, or if the user has registered a new profile on CellerInfo instead of the previously blocked one.
In exceptional cases, with the complete elimination of the violations committed by the user, we can restore access to the profile in order to maintain the loyalty of the SellerInfo user.
We are not responsible for possible losses caused to users in connection with taking measures to prevent and stop violations on CellerInfo. We recommend that you keep a backup copy of your content on your device.
For violation of the law or the rights of third parties when using CellerInfo, you may be held administratively, criminally or civilly liable.

13. Final provisions
The provisions of sections 2, 3, 6 - 8 of the Terms apply to users registered on CellerInfo. All other provisions apply to all CellerInfo users regardless of registration and authorization. Any form of interaction with CellerInfo (including viewing information) confirms your acceptance of the Terms. The Company's obligations to provide access to the CellerInfo functionality are counter to your obligations to comply with the Terms. When there is no fee for the use of CellerInfo, consumer protection legislation is not applicable to the relationship between the Company and users. The provision of certain CellerInfo functionality may be subject to special conditions.
The functionality of CellerInfo may be changed, supplemented or terminated at any time without prior notice to users. The use of CellerInfo is offered in the "as is" mode, that is, in the form and volume in which the Company provides the functionality of CellerInfo at the time of accessing them. We are not responsible for temporary failures and interruptions in the work of CellerInfo and the loss of information caused by them. We are not responsible for any indirect, accidental, unintentional damage, including lost profits or lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation caused in connection with the use of CellerInfo. CellerInfo is intended for users in the Russian Federation, so some functionality may be limited or unavailable outside of it.
CellerInfo may contain links to third-party websites. We do not control and are not responsible for the availability, content and legality of such third-party sites.
When resolving all disputes between the Company and users, the legislation of the Russian Federation applies. All disputes must be submitted to the court for consideration in accordance with the territorial jurisdiction at the location of the Company (Ivanovo), unless otherwise provided by law.
We update the Terms of Use of CellerInfo as necessary. We recommend that you periodically visit the page where they are posted: https://www.sellerinfo.ru/terms-of-use.html
By continuing to use CellerInfo after changing the Terms, you confirm your agreement with the changes made to them.
You can also send us a complaint in writing to the address provided below.
We will definitely consider it and give an answer on time, according to the current legislation.

IP Ayvazyan Artem Arturovich
INN 370209862569
OGRNIP 318370200024362
Address: 153012, Ivanovo region, Ivanovo, Arseniya str., 22/14, sq./of. 21
E-MAIL: info@sellerinfo.ru

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